SFUSD Insider - January 2023 |
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Happy new year! It’s been a wet start to 2023. I want to extend my deepest gratitude for all that staff are doing to support students through the unusually wet winter weather we experienced these past few weeks. In fact, our custodians received some well-deserved recognition recently on ABC Channel 7 for going above and beyond to address impacts from the weather at school sites.
Addressing the EMPowerSF situation remains my top priority; please see important related updates below in this newsletter. Additionally, SFUSD leadership and the Board of Education remain focused on our work to improve student outcomes. This time of year is when the district and schools begin planning for the next school year. I am grateful that we have adopted a new vision, updated values, and most importantly goals for student learning that will focus our planning. We also have adopted guardrails, such as serving the whole child, that will guide our efforts to meet our academic goals. I am excited for upcoming conversations with educators as well as families and community members about what should be our next steps to meet our goals. I also know we have so many bright spots in SFUSD on which to build.
Please keep reading this month’s newsletter for updates on other important topics. Thank you for all that you do in service of students and families. |
Featured in this month's SFUSD Insider: |
Celebrating School Mentors
January is National Mentoring Month and we appreciate the mentors who are supporting some 400 SFUSD students. SFUSD has a school-based mentoring program called Mentoring for Success, which pairs students with highly qualified and efficient adult mentors who serve as positive role models and motivate students to be their best. Mentoring for Success is coordinated by School Social Workers in SFUSD, and any SFUSD employee is welcome to apply.
Thank you to all of our mentors in SFUSD!
Record-High Graduation Rate
SFUSD's graduation rate for the 2021-22 school year rose to 90.2%, our highest rate in six years. Over the past decade, SFUSD has developed and implemented systems to better identify and track the progress of students towards graduation including the development of on-track off-track measures for early intervention. SFUSD has also implemented a portfolio of credit-earning options for students so if a student needs to make up a course, they can do so without falling further behind. Thank you to our educators for all your efforts in support of student success.
Five SFUSD Schools Named 2023 California Distinguished Schools
Congratulations to Chinese Immersion School at DeAvila, Sutro ES, Sunset ES, Stevenson ES, and John Y. Chin ES for being selected for the prestigious 2023 California Distinguished Schools Program! The award program is celebrating its return this year after the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily suspended reporting of state and local student data. Schools were selected by analyzing data reported through the 2022 Dashboard, including assessment results, chronic absenteeism, suspension rates, and socioeconomic data.
Anthony Kuan, Department of Technology IT Operations, Wins RAVE
Anthony Kuan, Department of Technology IT Operations support administrator, was nominated for his fearless approach to his work.
According to his nomination, Mr. Kuan has demonstrated his commitment to resolving various technology support needs: "Anthony is a thoughtful and creative problem solver who takes his role in supporting our technology infrastructure very seriously."
Read about colleagues who have been nominated and those who have won a RAVE award. You can nominate any district employee or team for recognition (except for yourself or an entire school).
We've successfully transitioned from the 2022 calendar year with many issue resolutions incorporated into the final payroll cycles of the year. This provided us a high level of confidence on the W-2 testing results and validation. To that end, we are on track to mail W-2s and provide more information by Jan. 30.
Please know that we are still working to reduce the backlog and meet the demands of incoming tickets and questions. We appreciate your patience and support to colleagues who have needed immediate assistance. All training materials are still posted and kept up to date on the EMPowerSF website and eis.sfusd.edu, so please check regularly should you run into any issues. |
“As an SFUSD student, I was lucky enough to have brilliant teachers who provided me with the foundation for my career. Now as a recruiter, I am able to make sure teachers like them can continue to teach in SFUSD.”
- Karimah Arnold, HR Staffing Analyst
Read more #WeAreSFUSD stories or submit your own #WeAreSFUSD story for a chance to be featured on SFUSD’s website and social media pages.
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Schools Receive 2023-24 Capacities
SFUSD is determining the number of seats available at each school for the 2023-24 school year. Learn more about how we set capacities at schools.
Monthly Support Sessions for SFUSD Paraeducators
The Paraeducator Leadership Network (PLN) will be offering virtual, support space each month for paras to meet in facilitated, role-alike groups to receive support and build community. All paras (Special Education N and S paras, Early Education C and A paras, R-series paras, T10 Security Aides, and Instructional Aides) are invited and encouraged to attend. This is an opportunity to learn from other paraeducators with similar roles.
High School Task Force Community Sessions
The SFUSD High School Task Force invites students, families, staff, and community members to attend Community Listening Sessions in February. The agenda includes an SFUSD High School Task Force progress update and opportunities for community input on what it wants in SFUSD high schools.
Celebrate Black History Month: African American Read-In
For over a decade, on the first Monday of every February, the San Francisco Alliance of Black School Educators hosts The African American Read-In at various elementary schools. Hosting an African American Read-In can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. Use this Google form if your school is interested in hosting a read-in!
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